George Thorogood Chords, Tabs, GuitarPro, PowerTab files


Chords & Tabs



Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Born to be bad
Born to be bad
Gear Jammer Intro
Gear Jammer
Get a haircut
Get a haircut
Get a haircut
Get a haircut
Get a haircut Solo
Hard Stuff
I drink alone
I drink alone
I drink alone
I got my eyes on you
If you don´t start drinking
Killers Blues
Lets work together
Madison Blues
Memphis Tennessee
Move it on over
Move it on over
Move it on over
Movin on over
One Bourbon, one Scotch, one Beer
One Bourbon, one Scotch, one Beer
Six days on the road
Six days on the road
That same thing
Treat her right
Treat her right
Who do you love
Who do you love
Bad To The Bone
Bad To The Bone
Get A Haircut
I drink alone
If you don´t start drinkin I´m going to leave
Move it on over
One bourbon one scotch one beer
Who do you love
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Bad to the bone
Get a haircut
Get a haircut
Get a haircut
I drink alone
I drink alone
I drink alone
I drink alone

If you don´t start drinkin
If you don´t start drinkin (I´m going to leave)
Move it on over
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
One bourbon, one scotch, one beer
Six days on the road
Treat her right
Who do you love
Who do you love
Who do you love
You talk too much